Fact-Checking Policy

Fact-Checking Policy


At TodayTales, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate and reliable information. We believe that factual accuracy is fundamental to maintaining trust and credibility. This Fact-Checking Policy outlines our dedication to ensuring the accuracy of the content we publish.

Our Approach to Fact-Checking

  1. Primary Responsibility: Our team of content creators and editors is responsible for fact-checking the information contained in our articles, blog posts, and web stories content.
  2. Multiple Sources: We strive to gather information from multiple reliable sources to cross-verify facts and data before publishing any content.
  3. Quotes and Citations: We provide proper attribution for quotes, data, and statistics used in our content. Any factual claims are supported by references to credible sources.
  4. Expert Contributors: We may feature guest contributors who are experts in their fields. While we value their insights, their contributions are subject to the same fact-checking standards as our regular content.

Corrections and Updates

Despite our best efforts, errors or inaccuracies can occasionally occur. When we identify any factual errors, we are committed to taking the following actions:

  1. Corrections: We will promptly correct any inaccuracies, either by editing the article or by adding a note at the bottom of the post to acknowledge the correction.
  2. Retractions: In cases of significant errors, we will issue retractions to inform readers of the correction and the nature of the error.

Reader Contributions

We encourage our readers to contribute by providing feedback, suggesting corrections, or sharing additional sources that may improve the accuracy of our content. We value the participation of our readers in our commitment to accuracy.

Transparent Corrections

In the spirit of transparency, we will make it clear when an article has been corrected or updated to ensure that readers are aware of any changes to the original content.


Our team is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of accuracy. If you believe that we have published content that is inaccurate, please contact us at [Your Contact Information], and we will promptly investigate the issue and make any necessary corrections.

If a reader spots an error, he or she should contact the editor-in-chief, Emilee Wentland, immediately by email, phone, mail or in person.

Email: rajatayyab360@gmail.com

Sub: Correction Needed


Updates to the Fact-Checking Policy

This Fact-Checking Policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated to reflect changes in our processes and standards. The most recent version of this policy will be posted on this page.


At TodayTales, our commitment to fact-checking is integral to our mission of delivering trustworthy and valuable content to our readers. We appreciate the trust you place in us and welcome your feedback and engagement in maintaining our commitment to accuracy.

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